A story where scientists manufacture a portal that one cannot see through. Where a test subject must be thrown through, on one long cable, and have them report back what they see — if their rope doesn’t get severed. And that is the biggest problem, while scientists throw in test subjects, they tend to get a torn rope when they yank back — never truly discovering what is on the other side. It isn’t as simple as walking in and then out, as the rope seems to be the true guide from the real world and whatever new world they might find themselves in.
What about just jumping in with the rope and then back out? I suppose this carves up some problems as I could say that the person inside the world simply cannot walk back and can only be pulled back. However, then it could just be decided before they jump in that the scientists on the real world end could just yank the cable back as soon as they enter.
Maybe this could be the crux of the problem. Scientists don’t truly know what causes the rope to break, and yanking it back always breaks it. And so, it never truly bringing back the test subject, nor a story about the other side / if the rope even works. Could be a story about a leap of faith and trust, and how even after taking that leap that the other side won’t be so sunshines and rainbows and more will be overcome to be content with whatever is found on the other side.
A good commentary on how I am feeling right now. I would much rather see other people try something out, however I would never know what it really is like until I try it myself. And it may give me an escape that I otherwise would’ve loved upon entering the portal.