The Dance of Ants


Medical Descent

A small video game where the player takes control of a data entry specialist at a medical facility. Their job is to simply ensure information is correct, and enter information where necessary. This enables the player to learn about conditions, operations, etc. the patient had or had done to them. They start normal, but slowly drift into an eldritch, horrific setting as patients get increasingly strange, cruel, and sometimes impossible operations, or possess abominations of conditions.

Incentive to keep playing

I really don't want this to be a simple clicking game so there has to be some incentive to keep playing, and that is most likely; if you insert incorrect information, or incorrectly examine patients' information, you lose money. Money will most likely be used in a way like prison architect. However, these deductions will vanish as the horror sets in as the "correct" options will be hard to pick.