In order to navigate the internet, we each make use of a type of search engine in order to query for what we are seeking. I wish to list below what I have discovered, used, and any possible insights I may have.
The preeminent search giant of the internet, Google holds a monopolizing stranglehold over us all as it funnels the majority of internet traffic through itself to provide a service that only makes people more reliant on them.
I only use this on devices that run Microsoft's Windows. In my opinion, it is tumultuous to use as any search results page has elements fighting for your attention with no sense of cohesion.
A tech-bro "AI" start-up venture turned paid search engine alternative to the likes of Google, Kagi held my interest for a while as it did not lampshade the requirement of funds in order to fuel itself as an online service. Though it may have a noble reason to exist, its lack of responsibility being undertaken as a curator of the internet and integratedness with its large language model built off of Anthropic's, I have since distanced myself.
Brave Search
I don't really know much about this search engine, but I would not bother with it due to who is in charge of the company.
A meta search engine which, for me at least, calls on Brave, Scopia, and Yandex search results. Don't really have much thoughts on this one quite yet.